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Old 18.03.2009, 19:35   #1
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Default Клубная музыка. Не совсем…

Не сочтите меня за извращенса-любителя попсы.

На своих сальсатеках сейчас, кроме самой сальсы и реггетона мне стало интересно вставлять небольшие блоки регетона, сальсатона темпа близкого к клубным миксам, добавлять к ним проигрыши, делать их более клубными и т.п. Подобные миксы интересны во вставках регатона и тогда когда интересно развлечь не умеющих танцевать гостей. Получается нечто близкое к (ненавижу эту фразу) "клубному латино", только сделанное человеком вышедшим не из клубной музыки а из "латино".

Если у кого нибудь есть подобные сводки - поделитесь пожалуйста =) можно например захостить на народе.

и еще на сколько мне известно, или кажется в России пока нет диджеев "сальсы" сводящих в реальном времени трэки. Скажите, так ли это? И как вообще обстоит вопрос с диджеями - кто эти люди? Ставящие на вертушках диски с сальсой или нечто большее?
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Old 19.03.2009, 01:14   #2
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Originally Posted by Blues View Post
и еще на сколько мне известно, или кажется в России пока нет диджеев "сальсы" сводящих в реальном времени трэки.
Есть сводящие. С разной степенью уместности. НО, стоит учитывать такое:
3. Let The Song End Completely - The musicians composed a specific ending to the song, and we dancers choreograph our movements to be timed to that ending. We may even do a certain turn, shine or dip right at the end of the song. We want a pause to allow for the feeling, key and rhythm of that song to emotionally complete itself before we start another song with a new partner. To us, each song and each partner is unique, so we need a little pause between each song, perhaps 1 or 2 seconds, to make the emotional transition feel natural. When DJs start another song instantly, or "mix" in the beginning of the next song with the ending of the last song, they destroy what the composer, musician and dancer are trying to do artistically. Perhaps these DJ's no longer hear and appreciate how different each song is. Perhaps all the songs are the same to them, so they just run all the songs together with no separating pause between them, as if it's all one song for the whole evening. Obviously, these DJ's are not On 2 mambo dancers!

There are also times when we want to finish dancing with the particular partner we are with. It may be because there's another person we want to dance with, or because we are not enjoying dancing with our current partner, and we want to finish as soon as possible. When a DJ "mixes" the end of one song with the beginning of another, or doesn't put a short pause between songs, it doesn't give us a definite signal that the song is over and it makes it more difficult to "gracefully" stop dancing with this particular partner. Some partners want to keep dancing, but we may want to stop. Give us a clear break between songs.

One of the reasons that commercial DJs may give for "mixing" when they move from one song to another, when they don't let the song end, is that they want to keep the dancers from leaving the floor. By blending 2 songs together, they want to keep the dance floor full at all times. These DJs do not understand our way of dancing. We want to dance one song with one partner from beginning to end. Then we want to stop dancing with that partner and start dancing with another partner who is standing on the edge of the dance floor. Therefore, we have to stop dancing to the first song, walk to the edge of the floor, ask the next person to dance, walk back out onto the dance floor and then start dancing to the next song with a new partner. We do not keep dancing to song after song with the same partner. So we need the DJ to completely finish each song all the way to the final beat, give us a little pause, then start the next song, so we can move to our next partner. DJs: Please pay attention. This is what we want!
Для касино дискотек это не так критично. Унас тут поигрывает "диджей прямо с Кубы", миксует кубинские, и не очень, музыки, получается неплохо. С рейвовыми такими вставками типа Вжжжжжжааааау.
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